Thursday 5 September 2019

Terrific Thursday!!

Early dismissal tomorrow (& every Friday!) - 11:45
All blue forms need to be returned ASAP

Highlights from today:
  • we played lots of get-to-know-you games (Drayden)
  • we explored with magnets (Adam)... ask me what I learned!  
    • the magnets did not stick to every type of metal (Aaron) for example the door handle and the drawer knob (Stone)
  • we did WOW - Work on Work - to finish some puzzle pieces (Avery)
  • with the puzzle pieces, we matched up the same pieces that other people had and we put them together to make a graph (Jaxon)
  • we represented numbers in different ways (Sawyer)
  • we had our first music class of the year. (Anna) With Ms. Lysak we played a game and had fun with O'Canada (Zaeem)
Matching up our puzzle pieces with others who have similar interests/families/etc.:

Exploring with magnets:

Get to know you and co-operation games:

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