Monday 23 September 2019

Highlights from today:

- We had some guest teachers this morning (Chasity). We heard that the "skulls" group did a good job with writing, and that everyone was very excited about the science activities.
-  We did some Science and tested magnets to see what they attracted to (Anna)
- My group tested materials to see if they would work through materials and it was weird because some magnets worked better than others through different things (Drayden)
-  In music we learned a new note ask us about it (Sawyer)
-  We did word work to spell new words with the letters a, e, m, n, g, t, s. I found more than 30 words.(Jaxon) The letters were sent home today so students could practice making words at home.
- We fixed some Oopses into beautiful WOW art.
- This afternoon we explored GoogleEarth and started looking at our country, province, city and community. This is a hard concept for many students to grasp, parents can support our learning about this by looking at maps, exploring google earth at home and talking with students about what they notice.

- Library books should be returned every week.
- Terry Fox run is this Thursday morning. Please dress appropriately to be outside for 30-40 minutes

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