Thursday 26 September 2019

Magnificent Magnets

Highlights from today:

  • we watched a video and learned about when magnets attract or repel (Corbin) 
  • we learned different types of metal that stick to magnets, which is iron, nickel, and (Jaxon)
  • in science we learned about stuff that could attract to other stuff and some that are not attracted to other stuff (Zaeem)
  • in music we learned how to do spoons with our hands (Sayeh)
  • the whole earth is a big giant magnet (Stone)

We sent home Scholastic orders today... they are due next Friday, October 4th. Feel free to order online - see the note below, or click here:

Orange Shirt Day is on Monday. We're going to learn all about it tomorrow, but you can keep an eye out for your orange shirts :)

Stay tuned: RAZ Kids logins are coming home TOMORROW! :)

Dear Families,
This month’s Scholastic Reading Club flyers are now available! Please take a few moments to explore the selection together and let your child help choose books he or she is excited to read. When children choose their own books to read for pleasure, they enjoy reading more and spend more time doing it!
Scholastic Reading Club flyers are made for you and your child to shop for books your child will love to read. Each month, the flyers are filled with trusted, excellent quality children’s books that are just right for your child’s reading level and interests.

Plus your order helps our classroom earn FREE books and resources!

Once you’ve made your selections, there are two ways to order:
  1. Submit your order to me and pay by credit card or PayPal online at Your online order will be sent to me automatically.
  2. Return the paper order form to me with a cheque made out to Scholastic Canada.

Thank you for supporting your child’s reading success both at home and in the classroom! 

Mrs. Cose & Mrs. Seymour
PS: Please let me know if your order includes a gift for your child, and I will contact you when it arrives!

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