Tuesday 17 September 2019

A Terrific Tuesday!

 We have been learning about Magnets in Science and today we watched a video to learn more. Some things it made us think about are:

-      There are some rocks that are magnetic they could even stick to the ceiling (Drayden)
-       There are magnets in some walls (Eric)
-       There are tiny magnets in big things and if you turn them they can pull together or push away from each other(Bennett)
-       Some Whistles are magnetic (Sofia)
-       Small magnets can hold up pretty big things (Sawyer)
-       I didn’t know that magnets can hold people (Laith)
-       Magnets can be found everywhere and in lots of things(Aaron)

Other highlights from today:
-       We did writing about sports and also about how we can turn a problem into an opportunity(Corbin)
-       Mrs. Seymour was away this afternoon and the lovely Mrs. Lewko was here with us!
-       For our Eye Opener today we got started right away on finishing some work from yesterday. (Anna)
-       We talked about how problems can become opportunities and drew pictures (Rana)
-       In PE we played a new game called Nanavaty’s Tower. We worked as teams to build a tower with blocks and do a relay (Sayeh)
-       In Math we traded roles and the other group got to do their survey with the white boards (Jaxon)

- Parent conferences Thursday & Friday, please book!
- Early dismissal on Thursday. No school Friday.
- Library books should be returned weekly

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