Friday 6 September 2019

First Friday!

We had a welcome back assembly today with the whole school! Mr. Murphy gave us some reminders about schoolyard safety:

  • please walk your bikes/scooters and remove your rollerblades, etc. on school property
  • we love your dogs but please keep your dogs off of school/city property
  • be careful crossing the street (wait for cars to make a full stop before crossing, and look both ways)
  • we leave our hands to ourselves when playing on the schoolyard (exception: various tagging games, but we know that to do this safely/appropriately at school it needs to be gentle/light) 

Mr. Murphy read us a book called "You Be You" by Linda Kranz. Here are some of the lessons we learned from the book:
  • everyone is different (Myles)
  • everyone is different in a good way (Alivia)
  • we don't need to be loud or quiet all the time (Zaeem)
  • it's okay to be different and accept people for who they are (Mrs. Cose)
  • some fish go different ways (Rana) just like people do different things

Highlights from today:

  • we had our first assembly (Evelyn)
  • we did "secret art" and had to make a picture out of squiggly lines that made sense. We went to different stations and showed people what we actually made (Drayden)
  • we all did a dance in P.E. (Laith)
  • Mrs. Cose's class made some math tools for our class while Mrs. Seymour's class was at Phys. Ed so we can use them next week

Today was our best day so far because:
  • everyone did their work (Aubrey)
  • it was our first Friday (Stone)
  • we did lots of art writing (Zoey S.)
  • everybody helped each other and we put our listening ears on (Avery)
  • we earned extra recess time from being so good at the assembly (Chase & Sawyer)

  • please bring back your blue forms as soon as possible (with a signature on the back of the demographic form). We've almost got all of them back!
  • please remember closed-toed indoor shoes for Phys. Ed
Have a wonderful weekend - we know this is going to be an amazing year!

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