Friday 8 November 2019

Remembrance Day Ceremony

Today we spent a lot of time reflecting on the sacrifices that our veterans have made for our country. We watched this video, and read this article and this article.

Highlights from today:
- in the ceremony the whole school sang "In Flanders Fields" (Marek)
- we also at the end sang, "All we need is a chance", our school song (Drayden)
- we saw someone speak on his experience from the military (Stone)
- I saw a veteran behind us wearing all of his medals (Avery)
- It was a very serious ceremony (Mila)
- Alexis from DMCS played taps on the trumpet (Ibrahim)

Mrs. Cose and Mrs. Seymour were EXTREMELY proud of all of us during that ceremony. Our students showed the utmost respect through their listening, body language, and time of remembrance. Thank you, students!

We concluded our day by writing an action plan of things that we can do this weekend to remember our veterans. We'd love if students could post pictures (or email them to us) so we can talk about it next week.

Some ideas we had:
- wearing a poppy and telling people about it
- donate money and food to the veteran's food bank
- watch the video with our parents
- take two minutes of silence
- call my grandpa to ask about the war
- ask my family about relatives who fought in the war
- thank people for serving in the war

Amazing listening:

VIPs of the day:

Our Grade 3/4 choir doing an amazing job at the ceremony:

Mr. Tremblay sharing with us his experience of 11 years in the military, and the sacrifices that he made:

Reminder: No school on Monday
VIPs for Tuesday: Joshua from Mrs. Cose's class and Braeden for Mrs. Seymour's class

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