Thursday 14 November 2019

Today's VIPs shared their books
Tomorrow's VIPs are Zaeem and Chase

Highlights from today:
- we worked on comparing numbers using these symbols: <   >  =
- In math stations we continued working on demonstrating our understanding of Number
- we did some creative writing. We were given the choice of 4 writing promps and some of us wowed our teacher with our creativity :)
- We had Music and PE today
- We continued our explorations with boat propulsion and buoyancy. Mrs. Cose's class was trying to make a sinker float - some of us were able to accomplish this, everyone else will have a chance another day to try

- Tomorrow is a half day
- Book orders due tomorrow (parents we can keep your orders a secret if you'd like, just let us know)
- Tomorrow is the last day for Food Bank donations

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