Wednesday 13 November 2019

Happy World Kindness Day

Today's VIPs:

Tomorrow's VIPs are: Bria and Sofia

Highlights from our learning today:

  • At Phys. Ed we played "Catch Me If You Can" to work on skipping (Abem)
  • We started an art evaluation about one of Maud Lewis' paintings (Ibrahim)
  • Mrs. Cose's class did Read to Self and went to the library and signed out new books if we had any and we read in the lunchroom (Avery; Mrs. Seymour's class will do this tomorrow)
  • for Eye-Opener, we coloured our "Be Kind" posters from yesterday (Jaxon)
Materials to collect:
  • clean cork
  • clean plastic bottles
  • clean styrofoam
Math centres today to work on ordering numbers, representing numbers, and showing equality and inequality:

Today was Kindness Day, and some of us were "caught being kind" 

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