Wednesday 26 February 2020

Our Celebration is TOMORROW!

Happy Pink Shirt Day!

We have been spending most of our week preparing for showcasing our hard work for you tomorrow night. Doors open at 6:15, and the performance will start promptly at 6:30. 

Please remember that this is not a parent-teacher conference. We are here to showcase and celebrate your child's work from this term. We are excited to meet with you on March 19/20 to discuss your child's progress, as tomorrow night is not the appropriate time to do so. If you have any concerns or questions before March 19/20, please email us to make an appointment. Thanks so much! :) 

Highlights from today:

  • we practiced something for a surprise performance tomorrow night in our classroom and we learned a few new moves (Sawyer) 
  • in the morning we had a full-grade rehearsal in the gym (Jaxon)
  • Mrs. Cose's class played Four-Circle (Avery)
  • Mrs. Seymour's class finished our RKP landscape art (Chasity)
Reminder: bring back ticket forms for movie night if you want to come

No school on Friday (PD day)

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Tuesday, February 25th

Pink Shirt Day is tomorrow!
Here's the story of Pink Shirt Day:

  • one day a boy wore a pink shirt and he got bullied (Rana)
  • these two guys heard about it and tried to help (Avery)
  • they wore pink shirts and emailed everyone they knew (Sofia and Anna)
  • 50+ kids were wearing pink shirts to show that they care and that we should support people and make bullying stop (Sawyer and Zaeem)

Here are some links to videos we've been exploring: one, two, three, four

The difference between a bystander and an upstander is that a bystander is someone standing by and sees bullying happening and they don't know what to do, and an upstander knows what to do and they stick up for them (Stone)

1) Be a buddy - shows the bully that the guy he's picking on has a friend (Jaxon)
2) Interrupt - gives the person a chance to get away and gives the bully the chance to have something else to do (Sofia & Sawyer)
3) Speak out - shows that meanness is not welcome, and gets other people to look (Aaron)
4) Tell an adult - this is not tattling because you're trying to keep someone safe, not get someone in trouble (Rana)

Remember "NED":
N - never give up on helping your school be safe
E - encourage others to be upstanders too
D - do your best with all of the ways to be an upstander

Family Movie Night - March 5th! Forms came home today... first come first served, so bring them back ASAP!

Disconnect Challenge Update
When I went back on technology after being off for a week:
  • my eyes hurt a little bit more (Alivia, Anna) and I got dizzy (Aaron)
  • I felt crankier because when I was watching my screen I got cranky and when I wasn't, I actually played with my brother and we both weren't fighting (Avery)
  • I was kind of mad too, because I thought, "Why did I not try this before?" (Zaeem)
  • for one day, I logged off of Roblox, there was a major update and it felt weird (Chase)
  • everything felt weird because I haven't played in a while (Jaxon)
  • I got to go to Flying Squirrel instead of watching my screen (Evelyn)
  • when I had no technology, I played with my LEGO and I remembered how much fun it is to build new things (Bria)

Monday 24 February 2020

Celebration week!

Highlights from today:
- We used computers to type a good copy of some writing about what is important about RKP. We used a shared Google document. When we were done we had a chance to use Prodigy. (Avery)
- We practiced drumming in Music. For the Celebration of Learning on Thursday, we are going to show our parents how to drum. (Zaeem)
- For our eyeopener today we worked with growing/increasing patterns. (Sayeh)
-  In math, we were working on using different strategies to add 2-digit numbers. (Drew) I used a tens and ones chart for addition. (Rana)
- Mrs.Seymour's class was working on sketching skulls using white on black. They look beautiful.

- Thursday is our Celebration of Learning doors open at 6:15, our celebration is from 6:30 to 7:30
- Friday is a PD Day - NO SCHOOL

Friday 21 February 2020

Happy Friday!

We had a busy week and today was no exception!

Students have been hard at work on projects that will be shared NEXT THURSDAY at our Grade 2 Celebration of Learning. Please plan to attend. Doors will open at 6:15 for a 6:30 start.

- no school next Friday
- Pink shirt day is next Wednesday
- Library book should be returned regularly (our librarian is here M-Th afternoons and Friday mornings)

☺ Have a great weekend!

Thursday 20 February 2020

Day 101, only 79 days to go!

Celebration of Learning is one week today!! Doors open (and students should be here) at 6:15, and we'll be sharing our learning from 6:30-7:30. We hope to see you there! 

Highlights from today:

  • we sketched skulls of our wetland animals using our observation skills just like Robert Bateman (Chasity)
  • in art, we practiced how to sketch using Robert Bateman's 90-10 tip (look at the object for 90% of the time, and at your own drawing for 10% of the time) (Marek)
  • in math, we worked on solving a problem using strategies (Maddox)
  • in music, we learned a new music note

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Happy 100th Day!

Happy 100th Day of Grade 2!


Highlights from today:
- we learned that in June we are going to have a field trip downtown to the Mayor's Environmental Expo
- we did some special activities for our 100th day of school. One thing was measuring using 100 of something (blocks, pencils, etc.)
- in PE we played Airplane Tag and we played Spot Ball to practice throwing accuracy and aim
- we worked on some landscape art using watercolour pencils
- we wrote about what life will be like when we are 100

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Disconnect Challenge has Begun!

Welcome back! It was so great to hear so many students talk about what they did with their families on the weekend!

We missed many birthdays on the extra-long weekend... happy birthday/half-birthday to so many friends!


Increasing Patterns
We've been learning about increasing patterns, which are patterns that grow or get bigger. Today we had thirty task cards and tried to identify the patterns and extend them.

Disconnect Challenge
The (optional) media fast has begun! We encourage you to talk with your family about healthy alternatives to screen time, and/or some guidelines or boundaries you could put in place (e.g. no screens at the table, no TV after dinner, only using phones for communication or photos, using computers or tablets for only work, etc.). Some of the comments we've heard from students in our classes:

  • I wish I could spend more time with my parents, they're always on their phones
  • Sometimes I'm telling a story and my mom is like, "Uh-huh" and just keeps looking at her phone
  • My mom and dad are on their phones all the time
  • It's sad when my parents are on their phones too much and I'm trying to say something, sometimes they ignore me
  • Sometimes when I tell my mom what happens in my life, she's just on her phone and I have to say her name a few times
  • When I ask my dad to play with me, he just ignores me and keeps spending time on his phone
  • When my dad is playing on his computer and I'm trying to tell him something, he yells at me

We talked about some of the things we could do instead of screen time:

  • board games
  • reading (a real book, not just on a tablet!)
  • go for a walk
  • play with your sibling
  • colouring
  • go somewhere (swimming, bowling, etc.)

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Happy Teachers' Convention, Valentine's Day, & Family Day!

Happy Days!

Today we celebrated the upcoming long weekend. Valentine cards were exchanged and there was lots of excitements for the teacher convention & family day weekend. Remember there is NO school Thursday, Friday, or Monday :)

A highlight for today was that we got together with our buddies. Mrs. Cose's class worked on a STEAM challenge. Build a sculpture using paper and glue.

Mrs. Seymour's Buddy Class:
Today we celebrated being unique. Students learned their buddy's favourite colour, food, activity and their age. Some groups even had time to make their buddy a valentine.