Monday 28 October 2019

Our first blue day of the year

Today was our first blue day! It was -20 with wind chill so we had indoor recess and lunch.

In writing, we looked at what criteria makes a writing piece good. Students received four samples of writing and in table groups they worked to rank them. Then they gave examples of what made the "4" writing good writing.

Some examples of what makes excellent writing:
- making sure that your sentences make sense (Drayden)
- tell them what it is (Jaxon) - even better is SHOWING them 
- your words are spelled correctly (Ibrahim)
- your words are not scrunched up together and it is easy to read (Anna) and neat (Chasity)
- you need punctuation (Corbin)
- you need details (Sawyer)
- different beginnings of sentences

After collecting our ideas, we compared the writing samples to the criteria bullseye to determine whether the writing was "on track/mastery" or "not quite there yet".

This morning we did some problem solving in math. Our problem was:
Stephanie has 3 shirts: red, yellow and orange. She has two pants: black and blue. How many outfit combinations could she make?

We loved seeing students highlighting the important information in the question before they began. In partners, students determined different strategies to use to solve the problem. Some of the more effective ways were:
- making a list
- drawing pictures
- using manipulatives (blocks) 

- Thursday: wear costume and/or pajamas (or just come to school as yourself!)
- Thursday: early dismissal (11:45)
- no school this Friday, November 1st

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