Thursday 17 October 2019

Doubles & Description Writing

Today in math we did a number talk to work on our mental math with doubles facts. Some of us got to play "Salute - Doubles" to practice our doubles facts.

We'd LOVE for these facts to become super automatic, so please practice at home! Here's a fun game you can play: . See if you can beat Mrs. Seymour's score. Comment below with a screenshot of your score. Remember that accuracy is better than efficiency, but when working with mental math, our goal is both! :)

In writing, we worked on descriptive words. We learned that we can describe things using our SENSES. Today we focussed on "SEE" words, involving shapes and sizes. Our teachers drew a picture and we listened to them describe the shapes and sizes to see if we could match them up. Some of us were almost perfect!

Other Highlights:
- In PE we played Scorpions which is a fun tag game using a scooter. (Aaron)
- Mrs. Seymour's class used the computers to record themselves reading a book. (Corbin)
- Mrs. McDougall shared a book with us called "Because" and in it they had a performance and a girl listened to it and it inspired her make music and she inspired someone else. (Sayeh)
- In Music we used the boomwhackers to make a song called, Mary Had a Little Lamb (Bria)
- Mrs.Cose's class talked about our feelings and shared times when we had to use strategies to get back in the green zone. I was in the blue zone. (Avery)
- Mrs. Cose's class had Ozobots Club today. We learned that the Ozobots can do all different kinds of codes like: red, green, red, green for a Tornado! (Drew)