Thursday 16 January 2020

Highlights from today:
- We used boiling water and threw it outside. It was amazing and made a cloud!(Chasity) **If you try this at home PLEASE be careful as boiling water can cause severe burns**
- We went to Music and learned new patterns with the drums. Choir forms are coming home! (Zaeem)
-  We did a workout in our outdoor clothes, snow pants, and everything to learn about body temperature. I got up to a temperature of 38.6 degrees Celcius. (Avery)
- In PE we had stations and I went to the Spinning Plate station and I did somersaults and cartwheels on the mat, and I did hula-hoops, and hackey sack. (Drew)

- STEAM and Choir forms need to be returned ASAP
- Tomorrow is a half day
- Grade 2 Celebration of Learning date change now: Thursday, February 27 6:30-7:30
- Mrs. Seymour is looking for volunteers for the upcoming trip to RKP. Please email her if you are able to join us.
- Next fun lunch is January 30th, A&W. It can be ordered through Healthy Hunger

Special Note:
Myles would like to invite families to join a Friendship Round Dance. See photo for details. 

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