Monday 13 January 2020

Blog from Mrs. Seymour's Class

Wow, what a great day today! Our students were amazingly on task, especially considering the long day inside with the extreme cold temperatures, and a different schedule, and 6 guests in our classroom from Ms. Gardner's class.

Today in science we predicted whether snow would take up more or less space when it melts. Here were our predictions:

Collecting our snow sample (don't worry... they were super bundled and were outside for less than 2 minutes!)


Here are our highlights from our learning today:
  • When you have snow in a bottle and it's full to 500mL, after one hour it melted down to 75mL (Drayden)
  • In art, we practiced using a viewfinder (our fingers!) to look at nature. We learned from a Robert Bateman video that we should spend 90% of our time looking at the subject/object in the sketch, and 10% looking at your actual drawing. We tried this for a bit by looking out of our window.
  • In math we learned three strategies on how to organize our work for problem-solving:
    • make a list
    • make a model with materials
    • draw a diagram

  • We also learned all about ALLITERATION... where one sound repeats many times (Jaxon)
  • An example of an alliteration is:
    • Peppa Pig pranced to get peppermint poppers.
    • Pikachu, Panda and Pup polluted Pluto.
    • Poor Pikachu didn't get to play Pokemon because Penguin was picking poppies.
    • Sweecon went snowboarding on a snowy hill.
Reminders coming home today:
* field trip reminders (peachy-orange paper)
* if your child is interested in choir, they have a form coming home today as well... forms are due back no later than January 21st

It's not too late to volunteer for the field trip on Wednesday or Thursday! Please let us know if you can make it :)

Mrs. Seymour

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