Friday 13 December 2019

Our last Friday of 2019 together!

Sent home today:

  • Field Trip forms for Ralph Klein Park in January... we need forms back ASAP please! We also need 10 volunteers each day... please let us know if you're available for one or both days. Please email your child's teacher if you can volunteer and we'll have the forms available for you to sign at conferences. Thanks so much in advance for helping us have a successful field trip!
    • Mrs. Cose's class will be going on Monday/Tuesday, January 13/14
    • Mrs. Seymour's class will be going on Wednesday/Thursday, January 15/16
  • Report cards were released electronically today. A paper copy will be coming home on Monday, with a note asking whether or not you'd like a printed report card in June. When you send the envelope back, please make sure you've filled this out. Thanks so much!

Thanks to those of you who have booked conferences already! If you haven't, we're hoping to see you next Thursday or Friday. Click here to book:
Reminder: early dismissal next Thursday (11:45) the 19th, and no school on Friday the 20th.

Have an amazing weekend! We have lots of fun learning planned for our last week together in 2019!

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