Tuesday 3 March 2020

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday!


- Today was Jasmine's birthday! (Abem)

- We started a new novel called, Toys Go Out. Today in the book the toys went in the backpack and they were worried about where they were going. The little girl took them to school for show-and-tell.(Anna)
- in writing, we had a chopped up article and in groups, we put them in an order that made sense
- in social studies, we learned about symbols of communities across Canada (Aubrey)
- In PE we played a new airhockey game and a new 9-squares game.(Aaron)
- In Science we  we watched a video  about animals that can survive in extreme conditions. One of the animals was a seaworm that can survive extreme heat (Zaeem) In Canada, animals adapt to the extreme cold by:
  • migration (leaves to go somewhere warmer) 
  • hibernation (sleeps during winter)
  • amphibians are dormant (gluten acts like sugar to lower their temperatures) 
  • survivors (mammals grow thick coats to conserve body heat to survive the winter, some animals have an inner layer of skin as well)
- In literacy stations my group worked together to make sentences using linking words. (Drew)
- in literacy block, I got to read with my teacher today (Aubrey)

Thank you for your patience while RAZ-Kids was renewing... our accounts are now active again :) 

Heads Up! Building Project:
We're going to be building again... please send in the following *clean* materials:
  • cotton balls
  • cotton fabric
  • bubble wrap
  • styrofoam (trays, cups, or S-package-peanuts in a bag... NOT meat trays unless they're brand new)
    Image result for types of styrofoam
  • tinfoil
  • yogurt/plastic containers - LARGE SIZE ONLY please 
  • plastic cups
  • coffee cans
  • newspaper

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