Monday 30 March 2020

March 30

It was a different day at school today. Instead of hearing about how you spent your Spring Break during a sharing circle, your teachers were on a video conference call with Mr. Murphy! Things sure are quiet at New Brighton School and we really miss you!

All of you should have heard from Mrs. Seymour or Mrs. Cose today (if you didn't, check your email). We are really looking forward to connecting with all of you in the next few days and sharing what we are planning to support learning at home.

Even though we are not together today. We would like to send out warm birthday wishes to some of our friends who celebrated over the break/this week:

Friday 20 March 2020

Happy Spring Break!

Today's Story Time with Seymour: The Adventures of Beekle!

When you're leaving comments, remember that it's anonymous, so please write your name for us so we know who is stopping by! After you comment with why you think Mrs. Seymour read this book, we will email you a link to a video explaining why we shared this book so you can see if your thoughts are the same or different!

For writing, I know many children have been keeping a journal of their thoughts, feelings, and activities during self-isolation. If you want to write it in Google Docs to share with us, or upload a video to IRIS of yourself sharing your thoughts, feel free! This is not mandatory by any means, but a great way to record a historical narrative of how you and your family are doing during this time. 

Here's a fun math activity that we were planning to do this week at school that you can try at home if you want! Feel free to email us or post on IRIS with your own completed answers if you'd like!

Taken from

We miss you all and hope you're all safe and healthy! Take care, and have a
Image result for spring break clipart

Thursday 19 March 2020

Thursday, March 19th

Well, today was SUPPOSED to be the beginning of your Spring Break... happy Spring Break, friends!

We'd love to hear from you in the comments below! When you're leaving comments, remember that it's anonymous so please write your name for us so we know who is writing! 

This is an online/printable story that can help you talk about your feelings (click here for the English book, or click here for other languages

Don't forget that you can always go on
Here are some other ideas of things from the CBE:
Students, you can also use your accounts to email us! We'd love to hear about how you're doing and what you've been up to! 
Parents, please continue to use our CBE email addresses for communication (links below). If your child does not remember his/her account numbers/names/ids/passwords/etc. please email us and we'll be happy to pass those on :)

Thanks so much,

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Missing you

Hi friends,

We are missing everyone dearly but we hope you are enjoying this time with your family. We're thinking of you all! The classroom isn't the same without you.

Monday 16 March 2020

Waiting for updates

Hi parents,

Teachers are at school today waiting for updates just like you are. Please continue to check the CBE website and school messenger, and we'll be posting links to that information once we get it.

Know that we are thinking of you all and miss you already. In the meantime, please feel free to post ideas or pictures of your school-away-from-school photos!

Mrs. Seymour & Mrs. Cose

Friday 13 March 2020

Full Moon Friday the 13th

Well, we did it! We survived the time change, full moon, fresh snowfalls/blizzards, and Friday the 13th. It's been quite the week... we hope you all take precautions to stay safe and healthy this weekend.

Today we had a much smaller group of students than we're used to, but we made the best of it.
Super Troopers 2020
Highlights from today:
  • we got to have a double-phys.Ed workout with Ms. Nanavaty (Aaron)
  • at snack, Mrs. Seymour's class played picnic to work on problem-solving with words (Jaxon)
  • we played Contig to practice our mental math
  • we played Prodigy to practice our math skills on the computers (Corbin)
  • we played Password to practice our descriptive words (Avery)
  • we watched a video about ways to stay healthy:
    • stay home if you are sick
    • wash your hands (Sofia, Bennett)
    • cover your cough with your arm (Corbin)
    • don't touch your face (Jaxon)
    • check your facts: WHO, Alberta Health, Alberta Government, CBE

Book Fair Next Week: 
We are going to allow students to bring cash to school to buy books, but unfortunately, only students who bring cash will be allowed to come to the fair (no previews). Grade 2 Students will get to go on Thursday morning. Ms. Gall will come to each class one at a time and take only the students that have brought money with them. 

Thursday 12 March 2020

Important Update Regarding Upcoming School Conferences

Important Update Regarding Upcoming School Conferences

Dear Parents,

Based on the changing provincial and local response to COVID-19, the CBE has given us direction to postpone the March Conferences scheduled for March 19 & 20, 2020.

All CBE schools have been given direction to postpone or cancel events that include populations from other schools and/or parents or other community members, such as Parent-Teacher Interviews, celebrations of learning, drama/musical performances, dances, athletic competitions, etc. This decision is effective from Mar. 12 until the end of March break. This decision will be revisited during March break to determine whether events should be rescheduled.

Events outside of school hours that include the regular student and staff population of the school (school clubs, practices, etc) and scheduled field trips may continue at this time.

I know this may be disappointing news. Students and staff have spent a significant amount of time preparing for this event, but the health of our community is our priority. 

For the most up to date information about the CBE’s approach to COVID-19 and the actions we are taking, please visit our website. Answers to frequently asked questions will continue to be posted as information becomes available.

Thank you,

Patrick Murphy

Conference Booking Opens at 4:00 today!

We'd love to see you next week at our final formal Student-Involved Parent-Teacher conferences! The online booking system opens at 4:00pm today. Click here for fast access :) We hope to see you all there. (for more information on how to book, please click here)
As always, if you've got concerns or questions about your child, please email us to book a meeting or a phone call so we can discuss. We'll always make time to be available to chat about your most important humans!

Highlights from today through pictures:

Literacy Stations

Writing - looking at exemplars for a 1, 2, 3, 4 and comparing our own work with each level/checklist (you'll be able to see these at conferences... please come with questions if you have any!)

Art: ...coming soon!

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Comparing Communities

Highlights from today:

  • we got to use Plicker cards to answer questions about the Maritimes, Prairies and Arctic, for example, a mi'qmak (a bark tent/tipi) was not from the present day (Zaeem)
  • in social studies we had our visual journals and then we wrote about the Arctic, Maritimes and Prairies to pick one of them and you had to write about languages, music, etc. (Rana)
  • in math, we were working on subtraction and we used two six-sided dice to make 2-digit numbers and we checked with addition (Xaviera)
Look how excited we were to play with the Plickers! :) 

Comment below to answer this subtraction question: 93-48=

Tuesday 10 March 2020

The Great Freezie Challenge of 2020 - Testing Day #1

Highlights from today :

  • Welcome, Dante! We're so excited that you are joining our class :)
  • we tested our first prototype for The Great Freezie Challenge of 2020... our prototypes did not last much longer than it did without a device, but we're excited to improve our designs for next time
Photos from Mrs. Seymour's class to indicate how long our freezies lasted in our first devices: 

(photos from Mrs. Cose's class coming tomorrow!)

Monday 9 March 2020

Read-a-Thon Begins TODAY!

Image result for read a thonRead-a-Thon begins today!
Parents: Please add 20 minutes to your child's reading logs for in-school reading time today. Don't forget to initial the time spent reading (or being read to) each day :)

Image result for scholastic
Our March Scholastic orders are due tomorrow, March 10th. If you have misplaced your flyers, feel free to order online at ...scroll down to the bottom and go to "Connect to a Teacher", then find Mrs. Cose or Mrs. Seymour at New Brighton School :)

Highlights from our learning today:
  • we got to share our designs for our Freezie Challenge 2020, but we couldn't test because they did not get frozen (Sofia) ... our plan is to test tomorrow! 
  • in social studies, we learned that in the north they don't have their houses on the ground because of permafrost (Chasity, Ibrahim, Chase)
  • I learned that in the past, houses were not like they are now (Jaxon)
  • we learned that in the past, people lived in igloos and mi'kmaq (bark tents) (Drayden and Marek)
  • we finished our 2D shape creations (Maddox)

Friday 6 March 2020

The Freezie Challenge of 2020

Highlights from today:

  • we wrote our first draft of our animal article about how animals survive in the winter (Chasity)
  • we made our own 2-D shape art (Drayden)

  • in science, we built our first device to keep freezies cold (Alivia) ... testing begins on Monday
      • we will build a second one after we've built the first one and learned what went well and what we should improve (Jaxon)
    • we build our insulating devices today. On Monday we will test to see if our prototypes can successfully keep a freezie frozen. (Xaviera)
    • In Math, we were working on calculating the cents it would cost to build shape pictures. For example, a rectangle cost 25 cents and a triangle cost 1 cent, a square cost 5 cents, a circle cost 10 cents.  (Rana)
    • In PE we got to play "Airhockey" and "9 square. In 9 square the team in the 9th square gets to start with the ball every time. It is tricky because it is easy to get out. Abem was my partner and we got to go in the middle twice and stayed for 3 turns.  I got 100 points in air-hockey. It was really fun! (Avery)
    • Mrs. Seymour and Mrs. Cose's class get an extra special reading incentive for during the Read-a-Thon. Students will track their minutes read starting on Monday, March 9th. For every 20 minutes read, students will earn a trading card. Students got to pick between Calgary Flames trading cards and Canadian Wildlife trading cards (Corbin)... BONUS! If you earn all the cards on your category, you can earn bonus cards from the other category. 

    - Read-a-thon starts Monday
    - Conferences will be held on March 19 & 20. Booking opens March 12 at 4pm
    - Spring Break starts with an early dismissal on March 19, until March 30th

    Don't forget to "Spring Forward" ... clocks go ahead one hour this weekend.

    Image result for clocks spring forward

    Thursday 5 March 2020

    Read-a-thon Begins Today!

    Our Annual New Brighton School Read-A-Thon begins today! 

    That means that students will be extra excited to read at home! We are asking family and friends to support us in fundraising for a future Residency (Mr.Stockton who worked with us last year is an example of a "Residency"). Mrs.Cose & Mrs.Seymour will be giving our classes an extra special incentive - stay tuned!

    Highlights from today:
    - We planned an insulating device today. We need to build a device to keep a Freezie frozen! We will build it tomorrow. (Drew)
    -Remember it is MOVIE NIGHT tonight. (Kohde)
    - In Art, we worked on Math-Art by creating pictures using 2-D shapes. (Zaeem)
    - In Music, we played a new game called Music Tic-Tac-Toe (Xaviera)

    - Library books need to be returned regularly. We will visit the Learning Commons tomorrow.
    - Next fun lunch can be ordered through Healthy Hunger. April 2nd

    Tuesday 3 March 2020

    Happy Tuesday!

    Happy Tuesday!


    - Today was Jasmine's birthday! (Abem)

    - We started a new novel called, Toys Go Out. Today in the book the toys went in the backpack and they were worried about where they were going. The little girl took them to school for show-and-tell.(Anna)
    - in writing, we had a chopped up article and in groups, we put them in an order that made sense
    - in social studies, we learned about symbols of communities across Canada (Aubrey)
    - In PE we played a new airhockey game and a new 9-squares game.(Aaron)
    - In Science we  we watched a video  about animals that can survive in extreme conditions. One of the animals was a seaworm that can survive extreme heat (Zaeem) In Canada, animals adapt to the extreme cold by:
    • migration (leaves to go somewhere warmer) 
    • hibernation (sleeps during winter)
    • amphibians are dormant (gluten acts like sugar to lower their temperatures) 
    • survivors (mammals grow thick coats to conserve body heat to survive the winter, some animals have an inner layer of skin as well)
    - In literacy stations my group worked together to make sentences using linking words. (Drew)
    - in literacy block, I got to read with my teacher today (Aubrey)

    Thank you for your patience while RAZ-Kids was renewing... our accounts are now active again :) 

    Heads Up! Building Project:
    We're going to be building again... please send in the following *clean* materials:
    • cotton balls
    • cotton fabric
    • bubble wrap
    • styrofoam (trays, cups, or S-package-peanuts in a bag... NOT meat trays unless they're brand new)
      Image result for types of styrofoam
    • tinfoil
    • yogurt/plastic containers - LARGE SIZE ONLY please 
    • plastic cups
    • coffee cans
    • newspaper

    Monday 2 March 2020

    Happy March... Back to Reality/Routine!

    Today we got back to our routines... it felt like September for some of us after being out of routine for a few weeks getting ready for our Celebration of Learning.

    Highlights from our learning today:

    • in science, we learned about animals that adapt to survive extreme temperatures (Jaxon)
    • in social studies, we finished learning about the music culture in the arctic including drums made out of seal skin and music from their throats (Zaeem)
    • in math, we learned about 2-D and 3-D shapes (Chasity) including some new ones like trapezoid (Marek) and rhombus (Drayden)
    • in literacy blocks we had new rotations including a word/sentence builder (Rana)
    • we are starting a new read-aloud Illustrator's Notebook called "Toys Go Out". Today we made predictions about what the book will be about

    Heads Up! Building Project:
    We're going to be building again... please send in the following *clean* materials:
    • cotton balls
    • cotton fabric
    • bubble wrap
    • styrofoam (trays, cups, or S-package-peanuts in a bag... NOT meat trays unless they're brand new)
      Image result for types of styrofoam
    • tinfoil
    • yogurt/plastic containers - LARGE SIZE ONLY please 
    • plastic cups
    • coffee cans
    • newspaper